Monday, 17 October 2011

Listen and Write - Variation in listening activity



Listen and Write is another website that focus on dictation, which is another approach to practise listening. It is a useful website for learners because the authenticity of the text is a good approach in preparing learners in real life situation.

In language learning, listening to authentic source should be the main source of English. Adapted conversation is suitable for beginner and if the content is high. Students should be exposed to the real language and practice listening to the accents and get use to the speed of speaking.

This website is a good tool to practice listening and students could check straight away whether they listen to the correct word. Spelling and vocabulary are emphasised here. Thus, Listen and Write is an activity that aim for few skills at one.

Topic: Scientists, Engineers Help Elementary School Teachers
Level: 19

You could try doing the task here.

  • Level - Learners could choose the appropriate level and also the article that they would be interested with. 
  • Log in - You could log in using your facebook account or simply signing up for a new account. By signing up, learners could review their score and keep track of their improvement. 
  • Three modes - (Full mode, Quick mode, and Blank mode) where each promote different approach of performing the task.

  • Some of the audio are taken from authentic source, which is a good practice for learners to prepare them for real life.
  • There is an auto repeat  function: It is necessary to give student time typing out and listen for the audio more than once untill they get it right.
  • There is a hint button and dictionary, that assisst learners with unknown word. I find this helpful because learners could look up for the new vocabulary straight away, while they are trying to understand within context.
  • There are degree of difficulty for a certain text and learners could choose which one suit them best. There are sentence level as well as word level. 
  • Besides news, there are also videos from youtube that could be more interesting because it has visual and audio rather than listening alone. 
  • Suitable for autonomous learning. Student could do this activity on their own.

  • Some of the text are using American English, and may have slight different in term of spelling. 
  • There is no clear description of the levels. Students may find it challenging at certain level because they do not know which level suit them best (or where to start with).  


I have to say that this website is a practical activity that use a very simple concept, listen and write what you listen to. It is very similar to spelling bee, or any other spelling activity in classroom. What make it different is, it test listening as well. It will be a good activity for students.

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